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0 sats \ 0 replies \ @025738dda8 18 Mar \ on: What unsolved mystery would you like to see solved? AskSN
If it is truely possible to live just from Prana and never eat and drink anything. Even if I know personally someone like that, it is not possible to prove that unless you spend every single second with that person. And even in that case, you cannot prove to 3rd parties.
What if there is a node/miner/watchtower in space somewhere in the middle between the Earth and Mars? The time to get to this middle point would be half from both planets. There can be more such floating nodes on 1/4, 3/4 of the distance to increase decentralization, reliability and probably even trust.
(Just thinking loudly.)
Right, or you may not want to and instead use your mobile phone. Well, I don't care, that's not my way. I just see a use case.
What if somebody does not use a laptop and instead only have a mobile device? This becomes more and more possible and practical when traveling a lot.
Useless crap. Nobody has any incentive to use this. BTC is not a storage platform. Full decentralization of everything does not make any sense.
If being short bitcoin by holding more fiat than necessary is so much stupid, it is difficult to estimate what gigant stupidity is behind burning sats.
I hope for you to get so high on-chain fees that such crap dies quickly and never appears again.
When using libsodium-based cryptography, it does the magic under the hood:
The nonce is derived from the sha512 of hashed private key and the message being signed. Optionally, if enabled during compilation, the nonce can be randomized via func _crypto_sign_ed25519_synthetic_r_hv().
Unfortunately, still missing a tool for making presentations and some kind of calc. And the current docs are still early.
In TeX, single $ means "change to math typesetting mode" (treat it as"inline" math). The double $$ is similar, just it typesets it as a separate block of math/figure (it adds alignment, spacing, etc.).
I'd expect similar behaviour.
This is not related to a mining lottery. Finding 3 blocks in 3 days requires quite a lot of hash power. Bitaxes, even though I like them, would not be that lucky.
I believe that both have infinite number of solutions. However, when looking into the chart of sin(x) and sin(x^2), it is quite obvious, that both the infinities have different cardinality.
I'd say that the number of solutions for cos(x)=0 has same cardinality as the set of all natural numbers. However, for the cos(x^2)=0, the cardinality would be as the set of all real numbers. At least, it is not greater.
Could you add sources?
What do you mean by ECC? There is ED25519 ECC curve recommended to be used because it is independent and does not have these issues. Thus, blaming ECC as a whole is quite inaccurate and misleading.
No paper, just in head...
Some easy facts:
The hard mental math:
Ok, now it's obvious:
If the hashpower really peaked at something like 90 PH then it means that the miner has available something like 268x S21 Hydro (335 TH each). Or half if we use the week average 45 PH.
This was hardly mined by bitaxe. It seems there was a miner connected to the ck solo pool with about 45 PH hashpower. That'd be more than 45000 bitaxe solo miners working together.
You can find stats at https://solostats.ckpool.org/ by using the block's coinbase address:
When I saw the pool's stat page earlier, there was reported a valid share with difficulty 102T froma miner with hashrate about 90 PH with 2 workers (pitty that I didn't make any screenshot). It has disappeared.