stacking since: #30782longest cowboy streak: 549
No didn't receive it, but saw I won! Feel free to zap a post? Or send instructions. I got a QR code that said expired. I'm still kind of dum with this. Thank you :D contact@ucantdothat.net
I will zap you right here!
You were a public defender in NY?
If you're familiar with the system, I did 18b work in Queens to stay afloat financially while building my practice.
Being a public defender in NY is easy today. The current DA won’t prosecute anyone unless he gets media attention
Very true. Bail is also not set statewide for many pretty serious crimes. Very different system than from what I recall. Queens was particularly tough on defendants. Petty drug possession cases were landing kids in jail for months while waiting for their next court appearance.
No bail is terrible. Beyond terrible. Everyone knows it’s a disaster The 1980s were tough on petty drug possession. Draconian
Pendulum has swung too far in the other direction
Can you write a guide about the difference for general poa and dpoa? And how to write it correctly with human name
what does OP next to user's name mean? And the cowboy hat, what's the meaning behind this? users lose it, but for no reason?
OP means original poster-the account that made the post. For a cowboy hat, you have to be active on the site everyday. Posting AND zapping other people's posts. If you don't do this, you lose your hat. You will be filled with shame, and your peers will mock you.
SN, suddenly feels restricting..
Why? How are you restricted?
everyday to keep a cowboy hat?? and mocked by peers if I don't got one? ughh...Yeah totally not restricting.
You don't need a cowboy hat, but you should want one.
ME 😑🔫(SN)
Hello. I noticed you commented on my post about NSFL content on SN. So i clicked on your account and read your bio and the story about your first case as a lawyer. Maybe you can answer me a question about gambling i posted a while ago. Its about the idea to make something like a btc raffle and don't want to get in trouble for setting something like this up. Maybe you know if there is a way to set something like this up without getting a special license. Also its on the internet and could be played world wide. So who makes the rules? Where can i find reliable information about something like that? Have a nice day. Best greetings from Germany
Sorry. I no longer practice, and I can't give legal advice here. As a general rule, you should read the terms of service before using this site.
Welcome aboard!
Nice to meet ya got into all this in early 2018 and went down the rabbit hole its been a wild ride and cool you have found this space your limited tech abilities far outreach alot of peoples knowledge right now in the space !
I am interested in improving my tech abilities. I tried to teach myself a little python a few months back to help run my lightning node from the command line, but it's a slow go.
I realize this is about 16 months late at this point, but I was poking around on SN reading random stuff and saw this comment, thought I would suggest that perhaps something useful for your journey in attempting to learn python or get better acquainted with programming in general is to try using something like chatGPT or google's bard or "claude" (claude.ai), these are all free to use and are remarkably helpful for assisting you while you are trying to learn to code. Personally I would suggest getting your feet wet trying to learn something that is simple (but can be quite powerful) like bash scripting...if you're already comfortable using the command line to set up your lightning node, then you're likely already using bash anyway to a certain extent. If you're on Windows, you can install WSL (window subsystem for linux) super easily and have yourself an entire native Linux environment within the Windows OS, all you have to do is download something like Ubuntu or Debian from the Microsoft Store and run it...highly recommended.
Thanks very much for this advice. As you said, it's been a while since I wrote that. More recently I wrote this post: #126179
It really has been an enjoyable journey. I can't say I'm proficient re Python. Not even close. I don't even try much anymore. I have discovered that it really isn't my thing anyway. The benefit is I can usually follow conversations here that get technical so I at least get the basic idea of what's being talked about. Regarding Linux, I'm now completely hooked. I don't use windows at all anymore. I still use the old Ubuntu laptop, but my desktop has Nix OS which took me a while to grasp but I now find pretty easy and convenient.
Welcome! It'll be great to have your perspectives and experiences in our community :)
Thanks very much. I'm pretty much the only bitcoiner among my family and friends so it's nice to interact with fellow hodlers.
why it took 2 years for you to fell to the rabbit hole?
deleted by author
Just tried to subscribe, but now quickly unsubscribed lol. Information overload.
Wise move
great stats!